15 Things I’ve Recently Learned

  1. Laughter is often the best solution to any given problem but arguably not always the most appropriate one.
  2. Examining my role in certain situations and accepting personal responsibility for my actions takes more effort than assigning blame to someone else but it’s the right thing to do.
  3. Things generally do work out for the best even if it doesn’t seem like it at the time. Often, what I believe would be the best outcome actually ends up being quite the opposite.
  4. The best intentions can have monumental consequences you never even considered.
  5. It is important to gather as much information as possible when making a decision. Equally important, is accepting only having access to the information available at the time of making that decision and not second guessing yourself later. There’s a reason hindsight trumps foresight.
  6. Allowing toxic people to remain in your life is a choice.
  7. Resources are essential to your well being. Resources give you options. Without resources, other people get to make decisions for you and they don’t always have your best interests in mind.
  8. Regret doesn’t change things. It just puts a damper on the present.
  9. Whatever I feel, when I feel it, is valid. There will always be people better off than I am and worse off but that doesn’t negate my feelings. They are my feelings and I am entitled to have them. Being compared to someone with a worse plight in life doesn’t make my feelings disappear.
  10. Hands down, doing something nice for someone else is the BEST feeling in the world.
  11. Opinions can change. Times can change. People can change. It’s crucial to accept these realities.
  12. Being judgmental is a nasty and very necessary habit to break.
  13. If you want something, you have to put in the time it takes to achieve it. There are no shortcuts. If you want to lose weight, you have to put the time in at the gym. If you want to be a writer, you have to invest time in writing. It’s that simple.
  14. Gratitude is EVERYTHING. Without it, we’re doomed.
  15. Despite our differences, we are all connected. Like it or not.

2 thoughts on “15 Things I’ve Recently Learned

  1. Love your list Mel, could not agree more with the content. And yes, am still struggling with my stupid wordpress theme but I had a moment yesterday …Maybe the theme I chose does not work for what I plan to do with the blogging activities .. and there you have it, a magical moment of clarity (at 02:00 AM) Hope you figured out your theme and how it works! love, Savita

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